Plate of food and the drink. 'The parish lunch was fun!'

Fun over the parish lunch

We had so much fun at the parish lunch on 7 July … we forgot to take a photograph! Over 25 of us booked for lunch at a local venue and enjoyed being together for an informal meal and non-stop talking.

Rev. Jin Sook welcomed us and thanked the pastoral team for arranging the lunch. There was so much chatter, Jin Sook’s prepared story was filed away for another day. And she did not mind at all.

It was a cold and blustery day, but the hot food and warmth of the company cheered us up. We must have warmed up considerably as some of us managed to finish with ice cream sundaes. A special thanks to Barbara, organiser-in-chief, who negotiated a very good price and lots of menu choices to suit everyone.

Our parish actively supports ‘getting to know you’ occasions like this. People generously give each other lifts and support others to take part. Don’t be shy to ask for assistance.

Watch for dinner club, social times that are also fundraisers, morning tea after church and, of course, the monthly community breakfast.

Good job, team!