Onewa Christian Community and Brickz 4 Kidz logos. A picture of kids playing with bricks. 'Bricks and story time with LEGO®. Every Thursday at 3.30 p.m. Includes afternoon tea. Join us for some hands-on building fun!!! Register now.'

Great windmills, kids

The kids at our first LEGO® afternoon with Bricks 4 Kidz talked about the power of the wind and then made working windmills together. It was a great social time for the primary school builders. A crew of half a dozen kids today, and more are registered for next week.

Beyond the windmills, we had adaptations to create the scariest ferris wheels, a tall tower windmill and even a spaghetti carrying windmill with robot arms. Heaps of conversation flowed from all this creativity.

Onewa Christian Community is hosting these sessions without charge as part of our commitment to providing safe opportunities for people of all ages and stages to learn from each other.

Thanks, Bricks 4 Kidz!

A short video showing the resources provided and some of the working models made today