Read our welcome pack below. You can use the controls to enlarge or download. Or read the same content on this page.

The illustrated version of the welcome pack contains graphics including our logo, a picture of people at the community breakfast, a picture from a repair café, a picture of colourful building bricks, a picture of a mother, father and baby, and banners advertising children’s church (first Sunday), the community breakfast (third Sunday) and communion (fourth Sunday).

Welcome packWelcome pack

Onewa Christian Community welcome pack May 2024

Nau mai, haere mai.

We’d love to meet you in person and answer any questions.

Thank you for your interest.

Ministry team and contacts


Church office and worship: 172 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626. See the map:

Email: or

Rev. Jin Sook Kim, Minister or phone 021 0295 2589

Our part-time administrator is Pauline Soo

Rev. Robyn Allen Goudge is our part-time music director

Make contact at any time.

We are happy to answer questions and hear your ideas for projects we could support.

Ask us about special celebrations. Phone 021 0919 7097.

For room hire, see

Welcome from our Minister

Have you ever trusted someone entirely? It loosely involves these three stages: Improvisation, Conversation, and Exploration.

First, improvisation. Imagine you are an excellent Shakespearean actor/actress. You know all the plays by heart, all the techniques, the dramatic climax etc. And you are assigned a role in a five-act drama. As you read through the script, you find something is missing in Act Five. What would you do? Since you are one of the best Shakespearean actors, what you would do is improvise so that you can end the play faithfully.

Onewa Christian Community is a place where the five-act drama based on Scripture is being played out.

Second, conversation. If you find what your role is in this five-act drama, you need to meet a director, a scriptwriter, fellow actors and actresses, lighting and prop staff, and so on. But most of all, you must invest your time in the play. All these are done through conversation. OCC invites you to be involved in the conversation of this God-led drama that follows Jesus Christ.

Third, exploration. The last stage of trusting someone wholeheartedly is to be led by this person (that is, Jesus) to embark on an adventure where dangers, crocodiles, jungle, tundra, floods, landslide, and earthquakes may (or may not) await you. Even so, if you wish to go with Jesus, you will see that the whole world unfolds before you. It’s where you will find love that cannot be separated by anything in creation. Welcome to Onewa Christian Community!  – Rev. Jin Sook Kim

Who are we?

Onewa Christian Community is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our parish is in the Kaipātiki local board area on Auckland’s North Shore, and has a long history of service.

We are an open-minded, accepting congregation that enjoys sharing views, learning together and exploring diverse expressions of faith in a modern context.

Children and young people are a priority for us. People of all ages and stages are welcome at all our gatherings.

Our vision

We aspire to be an active and innovative Christian community that provides leadership and builds partnerships in our fast-changing world.

Read more about our vision, mission and values on our website:

What it looks like in action

We are creating relationships and working on actions that serve the communities around us.

Examples include:

  • Children’s events
  • Repair cafés
  • Public talks
  • Community breakfasts
  • Promoting peace and justice
  • Encouraging social inclusion
  • Showing hospitality
  • Thoughtful worship
  • Mainly music for pre-schoolers
  • Social time for differently abled adults
  • Intercultural activities
  • Supporting local groups
  • Children’s church
  • Valuing diversity
  • Learning as we go.

Scroll through the ‘Latest news’ part of our website to see some of the activities and topics we are involved in.

Our gatherings and services

9.30 each Sunday morning, at 172 Hinemoa Street in Birkenhead. For people for all ages and stages from babies up.

Our worship is informal. We like to laugh together, pray with each other and hear people share joys, concerns and dreams.

We have a church service most Sundays, but a community breakfast on the third Sunday. Read about it on our website or ask us. It’s a friendly social time for conversation.

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we usually worship with another church nearby. Please join us: everyone is welcome.

The fourth Sunday in the month is a communion service. This is a worship time in which we celebrate the life of Jesus and the love we have for others. Our communion table is open to all.

If you prefer not to receive the communion, i.e. the bread and ‘wine’ (juice), that is fine too. Join in the service as you feel comfortable.

Like to discuss an important life event with us?

It is always a privilege to discuss a baptism, blessing, wedding, funeral or another important transition.

Please get in touch to discuss how we may serve you.

Bank account info etc.

Onewa Christian Community is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005. Registration number: CC59420.

BNZ account


Account number: 02-0112-0168422-000

There are many ways to support Onewa Christian Community. Read more at

Welcome pack May 2024 © Onewa Christian Community