We welcome visitors to our gatherings for worship and social times.
Sundays: 9.30 am at 172 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead

We enjoy multiple styles of gathering as a community. Ask us about our gatherings.
On communion Sundays, we offer an open communion table. You are also welcome not to take communion or to ask for a blessing – it’s your choice.
Children are always welcome in our gatherings. We value their gifts.

Our Facebook page shows information on the gathering for the coming Sunday. Or sign up for our weekly emails.
To get a flavour of some recent gatherings, visit our YouTube channel.

Community breakfast – food and conversation
On the third Sunday of the month we don’t gather in the church and instead enjoy a social time over food at 9.30. It’s in the hall at 172 Hinemoa Street.
We sit at tables for easy socialising. All welcome. No charge. Breakfast provided. This is a great opportunity to meet new people.
There is always a lot of laughter!

Communion service and worship – open to all
The sacrament of communion is celebrated every month.
Ours is an open table, which means that anyone is welcome to take part in the communion.
Sometimes people attend a communion service but do not wish to receive the bread and wine – that is fine too.