Picture of strawberries, tea and a red rose on a table. Text: 'His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning. Lam. 3:22-23.' Overlay words: 'Bible Talk Suppers.'

Bible Talk Suppers: BTS

Ask us about Bible Talk Suppers. Currently we’re holding these every couple of weeks, on a Sunday afternoon. People gather, make a simple recipe together and then chat about a couple of biblical themes. There is time for prayer. Kids are very welcome. And there’s no charge, although attendees are welcome to contribute an ingredient for the recipe if they wish. All up, we’re together for about 90 minutes.

The themes are set in advance so that we can watch a short video ahead of the day. Then we turn up and talk. And enjoy listening to each other. Rev. Jin Sook Kim is attending the sessions which are hosted by congregation members in their homes. You’re welcome to join us. Contact us at any time.

In June, BTS talked about Mark 7. We began discussing the bread run, in which a few members of our church are involved. Spare bread donated by a local bakery is taken to families locally. The conversation moved to consider school breakfast programmes and their positive outcomes. Through the reading of Mark 7 and a video, we thought about the way of exile – either subversive or passive, or maintaining peace while subversive in a peaceful way.

We talked about how the third way is possible. While not hating the oppressor, how could we maintain Christian values and the way of Christ? Indeed, there were many examples, such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. The conversation continued about the recent march against the war on nature which Greenpeace organized. It shows how much people care, and this kind of demonstration could belong to the third way. In one way or another, we Christians are living in exile as God’s kingdom, here already but not yet completed. We finished BTS with prayers for others and ourselves.

Bowls of freshly chopped veges.
Five women smiling at the camera, food and flowers on the table.