Building Compassionate Communities is a project we started in 2023 with support from the Justice-Compassion Trust. We have run a number of public workshops on ‘Better conversations’ and ‘Restorative thinking’ – see the newsletters below. Contact us if these are not accessible to you.
The next series of workshops will focus on Building Compassionate Communities. Again, we are thankful to the Justice-Compassion Trust for support. These workshops and talks are open to anyone who is interested in growing opportunities for people to talk with others and learn the skills of building cohesive communities. Would you like to join us? Come along.
Special thanks to ANCAD for taking on the promotion of events, including handling registrations.
Next workshop
We welcome people who would like to be part of the small group that leads this project. Mention that when you attend one of our sessions.
Newsletters covering earlier workshops
Please contact us if these newsletters are not accessible to you.